Empty the Trash

A couple of months ago I was working on my computer when I got an alert saying that there was a system update available. When I clicked to begin the update, I got an error message stating that there was not enough memory available to continue the update. I am usually someone that is one step behind on the technology guru scale, however, I did know how to check to see what was taking up so much of my computer’s memory.  I had approximately eight gigabytes of memory available on the computer. My first solution for cleaning up space was to empty the trash bin. I thought it was a good place to start since the items were already deemed unnecessary. Once the bin was empty the memory increased to about 20 gigabytes of free space. What!?!? 12 gigabytes was trash!?!? That means that there were about 12 gigabytes worth … Read more

New Year Goals

Out with the old! In with the New (Year)! 2019 has arrived! Each year January 1st begs a most popular question, “What is your new year’s resolution?” For many people these resolutions are made haphazardly with no apparent strategy. Some of the most popular new year resolutions are: 1.) Lose weight/get healthy, 2.) Exercise, 3.) Save more/spend less (or get out of debt), 4.) Get organized, and many more. What is a resolution? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it means, “The process of finding the answer to a conflict or problem.” It also means, “a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent…” Any time I make a resolution, my main goal is to make myself feel better. I promise myself that I will do something and in that moment, I feel good about myself. The euphoric feeling that a resolution brings is only temporary and I give up on it. … Read more