The Purpose of the Titus 2:3 Woman

“The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to live their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word if God be not blasphemed.”  Titus 2:3-5

The Purpose is given in scripture; God’s Word instructs the older generation to teach the younger generation the principles in God’s Word and to impart the wisdom they have attained in their years. This generation has weathered storms not yet seen by younger generations. The Lord has given them victory through the storm. Faith building testimonies and stories of victory are of utmost importance to be passed to the next generation. These victories testify of God’s faithfulness and miracle-working power. 

The plan of God is to connect older and younger generations in order to transfer seasoned perspectives and to encourage through experience. This is the purpose of the Titus 2:3 woman. The Bible gives examples of seasoned women who greatly impacted younger generations. The story of Ruth would not be the example it is had Naomi not returned to her roots, her people and her country, imparting her faithfulness and years of wisdom to Ruth. Elizabeth was used greatly, through the birth of John the Baptist, to strengthen and guide Mary with faith and courage. Anna prophesied and built faith in Mary when Jesus was just a baby. Eunice and Lois, the mother and grandmother of Timothy, were very instrumental in prayerful guidance to young Timothy. 

Older generations are to encourage and strengthen the younger generations. They are to keep and tend their own lives that they may be an example of wisdom and encouragement. They are to lead spiritually. No age limit is put on this instruction; all are instructed to live exemplary lives to lead those following. 

Heroes in my own life continue to impart the miraculous prayers answered and tests experienced. The memory can fade, but somehow these personal declarations of God’s faithfulness never fade. These heroes have confidence through faith to pray and see miracles. They speak into lives that need strength. 

The strength of the future, as the Church, is bright when we look to our godly heroes for wisdom and faith. Oftentimes, an older generation’s fulfillment can wane with time, with the hard blows of death, even with the decline of human strength, but this voice of wisdom is very much an integral part for generations following. 

Proverbs 16:31 (KJV) –  “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness…”

Leviticus 19:32 (NIV) –   “Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly, and revere your God. I am the Lord.” 

This is the Purpose of the Titus 2:3 woman.

Sis. Mandie Holmes is the First Lady of the First Pentecostal Church – North Little Rock (FPC-NLR) and has been serving in leadership at FPC for 18 years. She has three children and loves spending every minute she can with them. They are her life. She enjoys being a wife and mother and is an excellent example for ladies to follow. The thing that I find that stands out the most about her is that she is the epitome of grace and class. I am honored that she has agreed to be a guest on my blog and I pray that you find her as much of a blessing as I do.  ~ Katelyn

2 thoughts on “The Purpose of the Titus 2:3 Woman”

  1. Wonderful words of wisdom.
    I’m so thankful God blessed Pastor with such a great lady! My heart is at rest when I think about you as the leader for all my girls to follow (Destiny,Nicole, Caitlin, and Rhetts future wife, plus my grand daughters) I appreciate your holiness dress, and how you conduct yourself. As I’ve said before God surely loves us at FPCNLR in bringing you here.

    I’m not one to pour on praise and accolades but you are truly worthy, Sis. Mandie, I love you.

  2. Sis. Mandie, I wholeheartedly agree with your observations and explanation of the Scripture. I would like to take this opportunity to concur with Regina—you are such a blessing and Godly example to me and everyone who comes in contact with you. I am so grateful that God chose you to be our pastor’s wife!


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